Regulatory News

Use of a Power Reserve and Reactivation of EPL/SHAPOLI

In the 2021 Guidelines on the Shaft / Engine Power Limitation System to Comply with the EEXI requirements and Use of a Power Reserve, the IMO defines measures to limit the propulsion power to be considered in the EEXI calculation. The guidelines also define the two different power limitation methods: Engine Power Limitation (EPL) and Shaft Power Limitation (SHaPoLi).

This ABS Regulatory News discusses the application of overridable EPL and SHaPoLi devices, documentation requirements related to their use and reporting requirements for instances when such a device is overridden to utilize the power reserve when the safety of the ship or life at sea must be secured. Additionally, this brief discusses requirements for short-term exceedances of engine power limits, as well as EPL / SHaPoLi overrides during pilotage.

To learn more about operational requirements for use of overridable EPL and SHaPoLi devices, download the ABS Regulatory News brief below.