
Corporate Officers

Christopher J. Wiernicki

Chairman and CEO

John McDonald

President and Chief Operating Officer

Robert Clyne

Executive Vice President, General Counsel and Secretary

Laura Fulton

Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Officer (CFO)

Chuck Kemper

Senior Vice President and Chief Human Resources Officer

Kara Pelecky

Senior Vice President and Chief Information Officer (CIO)

Patrick Ryan

Senior Vice President and Chief Technology Officer (CTO)

Vassilios Kroustallis

Senior Vice President, Global Business Development and Global Marine

Jessica Mahaffey

Senior Vice President and Chief Marketing Officer (CMO)

Adam Moilanen

Vice President and Chief Surveyor

Derek Novak

Vice President and Chief Engineer



Miguel Hernandez

Senior Vice President, Global Offshore Market

Arinjit Roy

Senior Vice President, Pacific & MEA Operations

Paul Karam

Vice President of Greater China Operations

Bruce Baffer

Senior Vice President, Global Government Services

Anissa Lyvers

Vice President, Data and Analytics

Gareth Burton

Senior Vice President, Global Engineering

Joshua LaVire

Vice President, Health, Safety, Quality and Environment (HSQE)

Joshua Divin

Senior Vice President, Western Operations

Geoff Wagner

Senior Vice President, Chief Strategy Officer