Electronic Record Books Under MARPOL and BWM Conventions

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Maritime operations require recording of various discharges and ballast water operations in accordance with the MARPOL and BWM Conventions, respectively. Historically, these records were maintained in hard copy format. However, with the growing digitization of maritime operations, the option of electronic record books (ERBs) has emerged. In response to the industry's need for greater efficiency, environmental responsibility and reduced paperwork, an increasing number of companies are adopting ERBs. By transitioning to this digital format, companies can streamline their operations while upholding their commitment to environmental stewardship.

Amendments to MARPOL Annexes I, II, V and VI and the NOx Technical Code have been adopted to enable ERBs. In addition, the electronic format is permitted for the Ballast Water Record Book, in accordance with regulation B-2 of the BWM Convention. Guidelines for using ERBs under the MARPOL and BWM Conventions were adopted at the 74th and 80th sessions of the Marine Environment Protection Committee, respectively.

These Guidelines are applicable to the following record books and recording requirements:

  •     Oil Record Book, parts I and II (MARPOL Annex I)
  •     Cargo Record Book (MARPOL Annex II)
  •     Garbage Record Book, parts I and II (MARPOL Annex V)
  •     Ozone-Depleting Substances Record Book (MARPOL Annex VI)
  •     Recording of the tier and on/off status of marine diesel engines (MARPOL Annex VI)
  •     Record of Fuel Oil Changeover (MARPOL Annex VI)
  •     Record Book of Engine Parameters (NOx Technical Code)
  •     Ballast Water Record Book (BWM Convention)

To ensure compliance with the MARPOL and BWM Conventions, ERBs should obtain approval from the vessel's flag State or an authorized Recognized Organization (RO). The Guidelines developed by the IMO establish consistent technical specifications and criteria to standardize the approval process. The ERB is assessed by the flag State or an authorized RO to verify compliance with the relevant requirements of the conventions and with the guidelines. Following the assessment, if the specified requirements of the conventions and the guidelines are met, a "Declaration of MARPOL electronic record books" or "Declaration of BWM Convention electronic record books" is issued. A copy of the declaration should be carried on board for regulatory surveys or inspections.

To streamline the approval process, ABS offers Product Design Assessment (PDA) services to ERB manufacturers, verifying their compliance with the prescribed standards. If a PDA is granted to an ERB and ABS is authorized by the vessel’s flag State, ABS can issue the declaration upon conducting a confirmatory survey. 


Operators are encouraged to adopt ERBs to fulfill their recording and reporting obligations under MARPOL and BWM Conventions, where applicable. Digital record keeping not only alleviates the administrative burden of paperwork but also showcases environmental awareness by reducing paper usage. The ERB installed on board should be assessed by the flag State or an authorized RO against the relevant IMO guidelines. If the specified criteria are met, the declaration is issued and a copy of it should be carried on board for regulatory surveys or inspections.


ABS Wavesight™ eLogs is an ABS-approved ERB developed by ABS Wavesight, the ABS affiliate software as a service (SaaS) company, which facilitates compliance with recording requirements under both the MARPOL and BWM Conventions.



MEPC.312(74) Guidelines for the use of ERBs under MARPOL
MEPC.314(74) Amendments to MARPOL Annexes I, II, and V
MEPC.316(74) Amendments to MARPOL Annexes VI
MEPC.317(74) Amendments to the NOx technical code 2008
MEPC.372(80) Guidelines for the use of ERBs under the BWM Convention

ABS Solutions

The ABS sustainability team can assist you in preparing your fleet for FuelEU Maritime, by providing you with the following solutions:


  • FuelEU annual cost estimation
  • FuelEU biofuel assessment
  • LNG, methanol, ammonia EU ETS and FuelEU assessment
  • Energy Efficiency Technology (EET) retrofitting guidance
  • Vessel specific investigation for EU ETS and FuelEU costs (Effects of reducing operating speeds and/or incorporating additional EETs

ABS Solutions

The ABS sustainability team can assist you in preparing your fleet for FuelEU Maritime, by providing you with the following solutions:


  • FuelEU annual cost estimation
  • FuelEU biofuel assessment
  • LNG, methanol, ammonia EU ETS and FuelEU assessment
  • Energy Efficiency Technology (EET) retrofitting guidance
  • Vessel specific investigation for EU ETS and FuelEU costs (Effects of reducing operating speeds and/or incorporating additional EETs