If Your Ship Is Detained


Owners and representatives are to notify ABS when a vessel is being detained by a Port State Authority or flag Administration. If the owner does not notify ABS of a detention, then ABS reserves the right to suspend or cancel classification of the vessel or invalidate the applicable statutory certificates. ABS can assist the owner and/or Master with clearing the vessel from a Port State detention.



Piraeus, Greece

Tel: +30 210-9441-000 or

Tel: +30 210-9441-220

Email: EuropeSurvey@eagle.org


Greater China Region

Shanghai, China

Tel: 86-21-2327-0888

Marine Email: GCSurvey@eagle.onmicrosoft.com


PACEMA Operations


Tel: +65 6276 8700

Marine Email: PACMEA-SurveyMarine@eagle.org

Offshore Email: PACMEA-SurveyOffshore@eagle.org


Americans Survey

Houston, TX USA

Tel: +1 (281) 877-6000

Marine & Offshore Email: AmericasSurvey@eagle.org


Local Port Office

Click here for the online directory