MOU Committee Discusses Proposed Rule Changes

ABS hosted its annual Mobile Offshore Units (MOU) Committee meeting in March, convening approximately 27 offshore experts in the ABS Energy Corridor office, where they joined a group of ABS professionals to address proposed changes to the ABS Rules for Building and Classing Mobile Offshore Drilling Units.

One of the most important activities at ABS is developing and updating the standards used in designing, building and surveying vessels, marine and offshore structures and specialized systems. As new technology is introduced and new challenges emerge, it is critical that ABS Rules and Guides reflect the changing needs and expectations of the offshore industry as well as the required safety measures. MOU Committee members are a vital part of that process, so their knowledge and experience are invaluable.

At the March meeting, the MOU Committee reviewed the proposed Rule changes for the Rules for Building and Classing Mobile Offshore Drilling Units and was introduced to the consolidated the Rules for Building and Classing Mobile Offshore Units. During the meeting, ABS presented the work being done on offshore cyber security and discussed the ABS LRFD-Based Classification Criteria for Offshore Structure, which is currently under development. 

Convening the MOU Committee allows ABS to gather industry insight that translates into world-class Rules that position ABS as a global leader in classification services for the offshore industry. 

Comments collected during the meeting will be incorporate in the proposed Rule changes that will be reviewed by members of the ABS Offshore Technical Committee. Changes incorporated in the Rules will be effective January 2017.