The ABS-classed Navigator Jorf was recently delivered to Navigator Gas by Hyundai Mipo Dockyard (HMD) of South Korea.
The Navigator Jorf, a 38,000 cbm fully refrigerated LPG carrier, represents an important addition to the Navigator Gas fleet. The vessel is intended to carry ammonia and trade from North West Europe and the Mediterranean to Morocco. Throughout the project, ABS worked closely with stakeholders, including the shipyard, owner, designer and regulators, to help deliver this world-class vessel.
Recognizing the changing landscape and increased industry focus on gas, ABS launched its Global Gas Solutions team in 2013 to support industry in developing gas-related projects. The ABS Global Gas Solutions team provides industry leadership, offering guidance in liquefied natural gas (LNG) floating structures and systems, gas fuel systems and equipment, gas carriers, and regulatory and statutory requirements. ABS has extensive experience with the full scope of gas-related assets and has been the classification society of choice for some of the most advanced gas carriers in service.