ABS Leads Class Into the Future of Digital Innovation

ABS Principal Surveyor Costas Xidis

ABS Principal Surveyor Costas Xidis spoke to the members of The Propeller Club in Monaco on April 19 on the topic of Advanced Inspection Technologies in the marine Industry.

Attended by approximately 50 members of the industry and representatives from ABS, the presentation focused on Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs), more commonly known as drones, and highlighted its great potential in the fields of ship survey, inspections, assessment, and maintenance.

“ABS is making substantial investments in digital solutions to help industry better understand options for achieving stronger performance and operational efficiencies while also maintaining its mission to safety. Improving safety, efficiency & quality, are just some of the benefits of using drones,” Said Xidis.

Xidis, also shared information on the recent updates of the ABS Guidance Notes on using Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) for drone technology service provider selection helping owners evaluate task suitability, quantify data quality and integrity, and account for human factors considerations.  

ABS Principal Surveyor Costas Xidis spoke to the members of The Propeller Club in Monaco

Open discussion after the presentation allowed participants to share comments and exchange ideas. 

The Propeller Club the United States, International Port of Monaco was founded in 1976 by a group of businessmen residing in Monaco and working in shipping, under the instigation of Baron Fabio Aliotti, the President of The Propeller Club, Port of Genoa.

At the time of its creation, the Port of Monaco became part of The Propeller Club of the United States, the original founder of The Propeller Club in 1927.