Several amendments were adopted for the Guidelines for the Maintenance and Inspection of Fixed Carbon Dioxide Fire-Extinguishing Systems (MSC.1/Circular 1318) to address concerns about a lack of clarity in the standard regarding the frequency of hydrostatic testing required for storage cylinders.
The amended standard will require that at the 10-year inspection of the system, at least 10% of the total number of cylinders be tested. Before the 20th anniversary and every 10th anniversary afterward, all remaining bottles would be subject to a hydrostatic test.
The standard also clarifies that when cylinders are removed for testing, they should be replaced so that the quantity of fire-extinguishing medium continues to satisfy the requirements of Chapter 5 of the FSS Code. Additionally, an internal inspection of all control valves should be performed at least once every five years.
Effective Date: May 25, 2021
Source: MSC.1/Circular 1318, Revision 1